Air Today . . . Gone Tomorrow Article

EPA Accused of Neglect In 9/11 Cleanup
By Alison Gendar, New York Daily News, March 29, 2002

    A watchdog for the Environmental Protection Agency has accused the agency of neglecting its responsibility and urged a cleanup of buildings contaminated by World Trade Center debris.
   "EPA has abandoned its responsibility for cleaning up buildings [both inside and out] that are contaminated, or that are being recontaminated, as a result of the uncontrolled chemical releases from the World Trade Center terrorist attacks," Ombudsman Robert Martin wrote in a March 27 letter to Jane Kenny, head of the agency's New York region.
   Martin also called on the agency to upgrade the air filtration system at Stuyvesant High School on Chambers St. while it is closed this week during spring break.
   EPA spokeswoman Mary Mears said the agency was reviewing the recommendations. "Right now, federal state and local experts do not know whether an interior cleanup is needed," she said.
She noted that the Federal Emergency Management Agency already had agreed to pay the costs of cleaning debris from the rooftops of buildings near the Trade Center site so cleaned apartments won't be recontaminated.

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