Air Today . . . Gone Tomorrow Article

EPA Proposes Plan to Test Contaminants
By Richard Hake, WNYC, May 24, 2005

NEW YORK, NY, May 24, 2005 ­ Several Lower Manhattan residents say the EPA's latest plan to test for indoor contaminants from the collapse of the World Trade Center is not comprehensive, and will do little to protect the public's health. WNYC's Richard Hake has this report on the EPA's public hearing on its proposal.

REPORTER: The World Trade Center Expert Technical Review Panel has drafted a plan that would test parts of Brooklyn, re-test some buildings in lower manhattan and provide cleanup when needed. The testing would be voluntary for building owners.

Harriet Grimm represents 14-hundred families in Tribeca building that was covered in dust after 9-11. She says the testing should be mandatory. The EPA says it's been listening to residents concerns. It wants to validate a screening method to identify all the dangerous components of dust and not just test for asbestos.


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