Air Today . . . Gone Tomorrow Article

EPA Plans More Testing Of Air Quality In Lower Manhattan
NY1, May 11, 2005

The federal Environmental Protection Agency plans to re-test buildings in Lower Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn for any remaining contamination from the destruction of the World Trade Center.

This new round of sampling is voluntary for residential and non-residential buildings. The results will determine if areas still need to be cleaned or if a broader effort is required.

About 150 buildings are expected to take part.

The testing is a follow-up to the agency's work immediately after the September 11 attacks, which was criticized is inadepauate and misleading. Several residents and workers sued the agency last year, saying they were mislead about the air quality.

Meanwhile, Governor George Pataki on Thursday is expected to update the rebuilding efforts in Lower Manhattan, in an address to the Association for a Better New York. NY1 will broadcast the speech live beginning at about noon.

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