Air Today . . . Gone Tomorrow Article

Government Accused Of Misleading Public About Air Quality After 9/11  
NY1 News, August 18, 2004

The Bush administration allowed hundreds of people to get sick by failing to inform the public about the health risks of the World Trade Center collapse, according to an environmental group.

The federal government did not enforce worker safety requirements at the World Trade Center site, a report by the Sierra Club says, and residents were also told they could clean up dust themselves and were discouraged from wearing safety masks.

The report cites an internal investigation by the Environmental Protection Agency that found the agency did not have any proof for its claim that the air in Lower Manhattan was safe to breathe a week after the September 11, 2001, attacks, when smoke and dust still lingered.

The Sierra Club is calling on President George Bush to properly clean up the dust that still remains in residences and businesses and to fund long-term medical monitoring, treatment and assistance.

Copyright © 2004 NY1 News. All rights reserved.



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