Cancer Organizations, Registries and Funds

VetCancer Registry
The VetCancer Registry collects data about neoplasia in cats and dogs; it includes only cases diagnosed by histopathology. The data are basic, but are in a format that allows you to easily manipulate it to discover trends in animal cancer, to pool data with other clinicians and for further research. Any veterinarian may submit a case through our web site. They hold the case as pending and enter it into the database as soon as they receive a necropsy, biopsy, or cytology report confirming the diagnosis. If the animal is alive when you submit the case, they will request updated information on a regular basis. The data are available at no charge to anyone who has access to the Internet at

Comparative Cancer Program at Cornell University
The College of Veterinary Medicine (CVM) leads the Cornell Comparative Cancer Program to improve cancer control, recognizing the similarities between cancer in humans and companion animals.

Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado (VRCC) Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Hospital
Veterinary Cancer Specialists (VCS) is the oncology department of the Veterinary Referral Center of Colorado. VCS is a progressive veterinary cancer center that provides comprehensive and progressive cancer diagnosis and treatment options for the veterinary cancer patient. VCS services include advanced diagnostic technologies (ultrasound, rhinoscopy, flouroscopy, ultrasound guided biopsies) to facilitate accurate diagnosis, disease staging and prognosis. Treatment options for cancer patients may include surgery, radiation therapy and chemotherapy. Funded clinical trials are available for the treatment of some cancers.
Appendicular Osteosarcoma in Dogs
Canine Urinary Bladder Neoplasia
Lymphoma in Dogs
Mammary Gland Tumors in
Mast Cell Tumors in Dogs  
Radiation therapy - Improving the Patient's Quality of Life
Radiation therapy - Goals and Side Effects of Treatment
Soft Tissue Sarcomas in Dogs

Morris Animal Foundation

The Moss Reports
Cancer treatment information

Smiling Blues Skies Cancer Fund
Nutritional Support
Cancer Web Resources
Print Resources


Famous model Golden Rusty

