Oct 28, 1990 to Feb 15, 2002

On February 21, 2002, Elana Scarani wrote the following to me: "Yesterday my Norwegian friends Silje and Ole wrote to tell me the sad news of the sudden death of their beloved Golden Carmen Zita. I would appreciate it if you could publish their goodbye to Zita on your page as I guess sharing their memory of her with other fellow Golden lovers is the best way to celebrate the life of this wonderful Golden girl. If you can do that, I'm going to email them the page and I'm sure it'll be a lovely surprise for Zita's human parents. Thank you so much. Golden love, from Elena & Maira (the 'Golden Tornado' from Italy)" 

Dear friends,
We have the saddest news to tell you. Zita went to Rainbow bridge on Friday 15th February. Zita had a tumor in her left lung, so the lung collapsed, and we had to let her go, before it did become too painful for her. She will be deeply missed and we love her so much! It's unbelivable she isn't her with us anymore, and it's so quiet here in our house.

"We will never forget your Smiley face, your fighting will, how much you loved woobees and going for a walk, hiding and seeking treats, going camping, your raw-raw ooouuu "barks" when talking on the phone, and making us feel like we were the most special people in the world having the chance to get to know you, Zita. A big thank you from the bottom of our heart — for everything you gave us! We will never forget you!"

Silje & Ole

Your choice — turn off music or keep on.
