Suzie Q brought a piece of fire wood back to camp after walks or a swim to stack by the fire pit.
Suzie Q. Hatheway CDX CGC
10/12/91 to 2/01/2000


Jan Hathaway sent us this special tribute for her gal Suzie Q on January 25, 2001.

She was just five weeks old when we brought her home. A seven-pound ball of fluff that retrieved knotted socks and chewed on shoestring in-between nap attacks. After that first day there was never a doubt, she considered herself a human. Pruning all trees and brushes in the back yard became her day job. Keeping us entertained finding hidden toys was her evening job.
As soon as her vaccinations were complete, off we went to obedience class.
All of those dogs worried her a little at first but she soon learned that they too considered themselves human. At 8 months she earned her CGC title and at 18 months her CD title. The next 5 years were full of swimming with her best friend Allie (Flat Coat Retriever), camping trips, retirement home visits and more obedience competitions.
During this time she learned to work the crowd with antics such as going over the high jump, out of the ring and into someone's lap (they clapped and smiled), then returning for the dumbbell back over the jump and to me. Then there was the 360 degree roll on the drop on recall, standing with her head on the 30" high jump and then jumping it, and several other things that the judges had never seen before. After about 42 shows she earned her CDX title. By now everyone knew that big, red, Golden Suzie had a sense of humor. At age seven she competed for the first time in utility and qualified.
Not long after her seventh birthday, I noticed that she was not real enthused about eating and was losing weight. After many tests and major surgery she was diagnosed with lymphoma. It was hard to accept that this great dog that was so energetic and loved everybody was not going to be with us long. On Feb. 1, 2000 Suzie went to wait at the bridge. We miss her every day.

Your choice — turn off music or keep on.
