On May 18, 2005, Lowell Toreson, sent us a tribute to his special guy, Max.

Max died last week; he was struck down by cancer.  He was not yet seven and we had had him just less than three years.   We got him  as a rescued Golden Retriever and we know nothing of his first three or so years other than he had been subjected to abuse and neglect.

Our two previous dogs, both Labs, had lived to be 16 and 15, so we had expected six or more years more with Max.  But our three years with him was an unexpected gift, full of love and extraordinary devotion.

We know dogs to give their owners unconditional love.  It is simply in their nature to do so.  But the kind of devotion Max gave us exceeded any expectations. 

Wary at first, especially of other dogs and small children, Max gradually mellowed and established himself as "our dog."  He was at our side always; never just in the other room, but right next to one or the other of us.  When we moved from one room to another he followed.  When we went outside he came to the door and waited to be invited along.  He was never interested in running off or even just running across the way.  All he ever wanted was to just be there -- with us.  He often did the "Golden thing," putting a paw on our knee or arm and looking at us with his big soulful eyes.  He had so much love to give and appreciated a little in return, too.

We are heartbroken that he is gone and that he lived such a short life, but we will always be so grateful that we were chosen to share his life for three wonderful years.



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