Meet Riley
Here is Sharon Wickie's story of her Golden Rescue treasure, Riley.

This is Riley. He is a very special pup and at just four months pf age, had already become an angel sent from heaven. We adopted Riley from Golden Retriever Freedom Rescue in Denver, Colorado at three months of age.

He had a fracture in his front left leg and a big bump on his head. He apparently had gone through quite a bit in those first few months he was born (including abuse).

He was a joy to have and took his medication, played and ate like a normal pup.

Two weeks after we had him, he became very very sick and so we took him to the Vet and found out that he had Parvo and would probably not survive. To make a long story short, we almost lost himbut at the 12th hour, financial assistance came through (from the Rescue) and he was transferred to a 24 hour care facility and was kept there for seven days.

In order to bring him back home, we had to Clorox the entire house inside and out along with the neighbors front/back yards.

Thankfully and with a lot of prayers, we were able to bring him back home. For the next month he was quarantined to his crate, but he made it through once again and now is an active, healthy pup! He is a miracle twice over and the love of our lives.

