The Joker, Logan!

Carolyn Kreider wrote this heartfelt tribute about her Meggie on December 3, 2005.

Those of you who know us well are aware that our “Golden Camelot” e-mail address came from our Meggie’s registered name. We had lost our beloved Katie-Kate at 22 months, and when we brought Meggie home two weeks later, she was registered as One Ash Return to Camelot. With Logan and Libby, she brought us back to a time of Golden perfection – as far as we were concerned! With the loss of Libby and then Logan, she was our remaining link to that wonderful era. Last night our Camelot came to an end with the passing of our beautiful girl.

Meggie was always a beauty, and Denny proudly showed her as a puppy. They both loved handling class. Since it was located a short distance from Baldwin Wallace College, Denny always insisted that she went to college. They would have gone to “puppy class” forever, but since neither of them were fond of the show ring, Meggie decided to “drop out” and just continue to be our sweetheart. She excelled in that position, and reveled in our love. Logan and “his ladies” were always ready for a good time, and found themselves in the news, on the go, but most of all in our hearts. Car rides were a favorite with Meggie, and she insisted on the front seat, with her head on Daddy’s leg, and the air conditioner blowing in her face. She was not fond of walks, and when we tried to take her down the driveway, she would stop at the car and insist that there was no reason to use her little “princess feet” when the car was available. Mealtimes were a favorite, and Meggie was always the first to mention that it was time – nudging us, dancing, pawing us and going to the kitchen – looking over her shoulder to make sure we were on our way.

Meggie was a beautiful swimmer – gliding perfectly across the pool barely making a wake, but modeling was her true calling. Being “pretty” meant dressing in her best attire and posing for portraits. She took her work very seriously, and we treasure the photos we have of her. Losing an eye to cancer was a setback, but Meggie was convinced that she was still just lovely and chose to ignore her handicap.

When Eli joined our family two years ago, he chose Meggie as his favorite toy. She would never tell him “no”, and he would drag her across the floor by her ears, leg or whatever. Her patience was unending, and he adored her. Eli stepped right into the photo sessions – learning from the best. We never saw her that Eli wasn’t laying as close to her as possible – usually spooning right against her tummy. He has lost his best friend, substitute mother, and mentor. He continues his search for her, and is obviously distraught.

We thank God that Meggie was happy, active, and hungry until just hours before she left us. We had almost 12 wonderful years before we learned that her spleen had a cancerous tumor that had enlarged it to 3-4 times it’s normal size, and was bleeding into her abdominal cavity. We both held her tightly for the last time while we allowed her to receive the wings that we had always known she had earned so many times. We know that she is now awaiting us with Goliath, Katie, Libby and Logan. Thank you, Sweetheart. We loved you, too.


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