Messenger From Above

     I'm not a writer, or poet, or one for getting in contests, but I will share my story. Back in "68" being home from Vietnam, I dropped to the floor only to awake in the hospital with no feeling and not recognizing my own mother. This memory loss lasted for about twenty-four hours. To this day, there has been no explanation as to why. This was the start of a rocky road for me, of which I was depressed about.
     Life wasn't easy wondering what would happen from day to day. Well, you just try to put it out of your mind and go on. You want to think you are normal, but it still haunts your mind wondering what will happen next.
     On May 2nd 1997, my life was about to change and I didn't know it. That's the day my JORDAN was born. He came home to us in July and brought with him a special gift. At first, I didn't recognize what was happening. I would get what I call an electric shock that would run up my right shoulder to my head and knock me down. JORDAN would get nervous before it would happen.
     Well, as JORDAN grew, so did his behavior. He will now come to me and stare into my face and put his paw on me or his head on my chest. A sign that I'd better go lie down for awhile. He would get in bed with me and look at my face until he felt things would pass. I don't know how he does it or how he knows, but he's been right all the time.
     No titles, no medals, no anything. Just an ordinary GOLDEN by most folks, but a very SPECIAL GOLDEN to me. We spend our time going to schools to be with the children, seems JORDAN is invited all the time. I love sharing JORDAN with children and whomever he meets. It's always good to see the smiles.
     Life has been a lot better for me with JORDAN, that's why he gets whatever he wants. He's spoiled, but spoiled in a healthy way. If it's not good for me, it's not good for JORDAN. I don't need anything in this world, I have it ALL with JORDAN.

Entry written by Mike Chytracek of Joliet, IL
* Fifth Place Award Recipient

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