ROBYN, Age 11
Grade 5, Home Schooled, Florence, South Carolina
Best Friend: Kaya, 2-year-old Golden Retriever
December 13, 2004

    Kaya is my best friend because she is always there for me. When I'm sad she cheers me up, and I can always know when I'm in danger she will protect me. When she knows I'm hurt she never leaves my side. She watches out for me. Kaya loves it when I play with her especially when I play ball.
    I have know idea what I would do without her. She is my best friend no matter what. I love her so much. No dog in the world could replace her, because she is the best dog in the world!


Grade 7, Mira Loma Middle School, Mira Loma, California
Best Friend: Roxy, 1-year-old Golden Retriever
June 20, 2004

    My dog is my bestfriend because she keeps me company. She has never growled at me ever! She loves to play fetch. She never ever lets me down.
     I do not know what I could do without her. I am so glad I got her for my birthday. She follows me every where. She is the best dog I have ever had!



TAMARA, Age 9½
Grade 4, Westchester Day School, Scarsdale, New York
Best Friend: Buddy, 2-year-old Golden Retriever
May 20, 2004

    My name is Tamara and I am 9½ years old. My best friend is a Golden Retriever named Buddy Right when I picked him up I knew and he knew we were the perfect pair. We ended up buying him. Right now Buddy is 2 years old. Every year (for 2 years) we have had birthday parties for him that were so much fun and full of happiness.
   Buddy has changed my life. I even wrote a song about him to the tune of It's a Small World:


His eyes are brown his tail is gold
He sleeps by bed whenever he's cold.
when I come home from school at four
he is waiting at the door
when I take him out to play
He is always very gay
but when I take him in the house
He is quiet as a mouse
I'm so glad he came to live with me
Now he's part of the family
When I ask him to come to me
he comes to me like "1,2,3,"
sometimes he wants to pounce
When I'm playing with my mouse
but from all the dogs from coast to coast
my dog Buddy is the Most!

   Buddy really means a lot to me and that will never change. He is a member of the family and a very special one. I'm sorry to say that Buddy's not much of a guard dog. He will give hugs and kisses to just about anyone.
   Buddy has helped me in dangerous situations. I will even give you two examples:

1) Once I was playing basketball outside. I stopped to have a drink. I brought my drink outside and sat down. All of a sudden a mouse ran towards me. I turned around and saw the mouse. So I got up, looked back at the mouse and next thing you know, it was in Buddy's mouth.

2) Once I took Buddy for a walk at about 6PM. When I got to the end of the block, I turned around to go back home. Following me was a raccoon. I started to run. I knew it wasn't a smart thing to do but I thought I could run faster than it. Just then I realized that I was not faster then it, but Buddy came to the rescue and scared it away. Thank G-d for Buddy!!! I LOVE YOU BUDDY!!!!!!!!



Grade 5, Calvary Chapel School, Vista, California
Best Friend: Simian, 3 to 4-year-old German Shepherd/Husky
April 20, 2004

    Simian is one of the best dogs ever! I got him about 3 years ago and have become really attached to him. When we got him we got the nickname Simba since Simian is kind of long. But now I usually call him Balto Boy since he is a mini Balto. During the times we had Simba people have been blaming stuff on him and my other dog Mo Mo (Moses). These people wanted to take Moses' barker out because they thought he was being loud. But Simba, they wanted to take him to the pound but we will not let them at all. Also Simba's old owners want him back but since me and my family have become so attached to him we are not giving him back. NO WAY!
    Simian has been a great dog. We love him even if he runs away and comes back or if he knocks down the trash can and makes a huge mess. He knows when he is in trouble because he gets a sad look on his face and he stares at us. That's how we know he has done something bad. He is soooooooo friendly to our other dog (Moses). Simba helps Moses when his ear hurts by licking his ear.



Grade 5, St. Gregory School, Plantation, Florida
Best Friend: Rosie 5-year-old Golden Retriever
January 3, 2004

    My dog, Rosie, is amazing! Why? Because she is always happy and always is ready to play! She would never hurt anybody and would always protect us. The best part about her is that she would love you no matter what you do, and everyone loves her.
    Rosie makes me smile when I'm not feeling well are I'm just sad. She might chase her tail for no reason or put her paw on my shoulder. She's my best friend. I can tell her almost anything (of course she would not tell)! If I had just one wish for Rosie, it would be for her to talk back, and to only me. So can't you see that Rosie is the best dog a girl like me could ever possibly have? I love Rosie.



HOLLY, Age 11
Grade 7, Old Mill Middle School, Severn, Maryland
Best Friend: Rusty Autuum Winds, 5-year-old Golden Retriever
January 2, 2004

    My dog is a Golden Retriever. He is 5 years old. His name is Rusty Autumn Winds. Or for short we call him Rusty. He lives with Karen, Gilbert, Brandy, and I. He is the most important member of our family.
    Rusty is the most important member of our family. This is because he makes us laugh. He listens to our problems and doesn't walk away. He completes our life. Also, he never gets mad at us if we have had a bad day and say mean things. Nothing makes you happier than him bringing you his stuffed teddy. He makes our heart melt with his sad eyes. Last but not least, our family would be dull with out him.
    Rusty always brings us up when we are down. For example, last month when my boyfriend broke up with me, I went home crying. I laid down on the couch and Rusty comes over and nudges my hand. I started to pet him and I relaxed I don't need my Boyfriend to make me happy, I have my golden to do that.
    Rusty always looks out for us. For example, last year a Boxer came chasing us. My mom and rusty were there. I started to get scared and worried. When the dog came 4 foot steps away, Rusty gets between us. The dog bit Rusty on the neck but that didn't stop him, he bit the dog until he left. That day I could have lost my life if my Rusty wasn't there.



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