Goldens That Rescue

Lucy, Komon, Wrangler, Copper and Joyce!     Thanksgiving Day 2000 will remain in my heart. I awoke in my small house, in my large bed, surrounded by Goldens. I am afforded six inches on the right side of the bed. As my eyes opened, I recalled all Thanksgiving Days my Father had been to my house. He wouldn't be here this year — or ever again. I recalled all the great Thanksgiving mornings — getting up early to stuff the turkey and slip it in the oven; busily setting the table and waiting for my family to come. There would be no family this year. My husband is living with his girlfriend and the divorce should be final by Christmas. And as I laid there, tough old ex cop that I am, the tears came sliding down my cheeks.
     I tried to lay still. There was no reason to move. No reason to even get up. But my LUCY must have sensed my awakening. LUCY was the only Golden of the four that is not a Rescue. I had gotten her as a pup to help me heal from Cancer, chemotherapy and leaving my career. LUCY came from a good breeder but nonetheless was diagnosed with hip and elbow dysplasia at six months. Surgery on her elbows followed a few months later. I made sure her orthopedic surgeon would allow me to stay in the kennel with her 24 hours a day — and I did. Unfortunately, the surgery did not work and her specialist told me I would only have her four or five years. After that, she would be unable to walk. LUCY'S breeder, early on, had suggested she would take her back and have her put down. NEVER!! LUCY and I became involved in Pet Therapy and visiting the elderly.
     We also discovered there were many unwanted or ill Goldens — and Rescue a Golden of Arizona was formed. Also many treasured friendships were found. People who share my same ideals, thoughts and love of Goldens. These friends have given me more than I could ever give back. And as LUCY licked my tears from my face, and laid across my chest, I thanked G-d for the Rescue she helped to found and for all the Goldens my friends have saved.
     WRANGLER must have sensed LUCY'S compassion. Within a few minutes he was snuggled against my left side. There is no doubt G-d sent WRANGLER to me. He came in for me to foster about the same week my husband left. I have never known a dog like WRANGLER. So very willing to please. So loving. WRANGLER put his head on my shoulder this morning, as if to say "It's okay Mom."
     Pretty soon COPPER, my little Devil Dog, began to stir. COPPER was dropped off at Rabies Animal Control on Christmas Eve two years ago—an absolute death sentence, when he was about 8 months old. COPPER makes me laugh with his devilish antics. But he is the sweetest of all. COPPER is certain the world would come to an end if I ever went into the bathroom without his presence — or the kitchen, or the closet — or anywhere for that matter. He is my shadow. COPPER snuggled as tightly against me on my right side, with his head on my shoulder, as WRANGLER was snuggled on my left side.
     KOMON sleeps on the floor. She is 12 years old now and very white faced. I know I won't have her long, although I've had her for three years now. She too was scheduled to be "put to sleep" the day I Rescued her. KOMON is alpha. She protects this pack. And she loves me, and the other Goldens with all her heart. But she can't walk very well anymore and sometimes I have to help her to stand. And with LUCY, WRANGLER and COPPER all snuggled tightly against me, KOMON awoke and stood up on her orthopedic bed. Like a miracle, she put her front paws up on the bed and hoisted herself up. She's never done this before. She stretched herself out across my legs and looked at me with all the wisdom and love of her old eyes.
     I thought of the love these dogs show me every single minute. I thought of the 330 Golden lives that have been saved and the love they are showing their new families. I thought of the love and devotion of the handful of volunteers that sacrifice so much of their own time and hearts because they too understand the mysterious bond formed with Goldens.
     And as we laid there quietly and warm, and the tears were licked away, I gave Thanks.

Entry written by Joyce Hubler, Retired Phoenix Police Officer, Phoenix, Arizona
Founder, Rescue A Golden of Arizona
* Golden Rescue Dog Award Recipient


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