Lessons In Love


Jake, Class Canine Mascot
Jake's beaming as Mrs. Wilson's    Woofpack Class Canine Mascot!   

     In every person's life there is a significant, memorable moment which is never forgotten and cherished forever. Who would guess that mine would be the day I first saw the last 10 week old shy male puppy from a litter of ten. I fell in love with his sparkling eyes and quiet ways the moment we met. I felt he could see into my soul and somehow he knew I would cherish him forever. The rest has been history since that December day in 1994.
     Allow me to introduce my canine companion; his name is Jake and he is a six year old Golden Retriever. He was the best wedding present a dog lover could ask for and leaves his paw prints on the hearts of every person he meets. Jake has been registered with Therapy Dogs International since his first birthday and is a Delta Society Pet Partner. He has earned a combination of 10 competition titles from AKC, UKC and NADAC in obedience and agility.

A special friend at Duke giving a kiss to her buddy.
A special friend at Duke
giving a kiss to her buddy.


     Aside from being my best friend and traveling buddy he also reaches out to others in a very special way. He is a VERY special member of Duke's Children's Hospital's Critical Care Unit's Pet Therapy Program. He was selected for the program during it's inception over 3 years ago and is the only remaining original member.
     He provides unconditional love and hope to children who are hospitalized with very critical illnesses. Instead of bringing needles and medicine we bring love and cheer. Children smile and laugh when Jake is around.
     He has been known to wear a fire hat and cuddle on the beds with children who are immobile. He performs tricks and is a ham for the camera. Children who are totally unresponsive to human interaction, light up, become vocal and respond only to Jake. His unconditional love for children make him a cherished member of our family and Duke's. I am proud of the fact that we helped to raise over 2 million dollars for Duke by participating in their annual radio-thon. He became a popular personality and callers wanted to talk to him before they sent in a pledge. We had a BLAST and have been invited back next year to participate in this wonderful cause.


Jake at Duke's Children's Critical Care Unit
  Jake at entrance to 5th floor CCU
  at Duke's Children's Hospital,
  cancer scars & shaved fur visible. 

   In January of 98 my world was crushed when I found a lump on Jake's side. Upon further testing it was found to be a malignant histiocytoma (cancer). I was heartbroken but determined to fight! How could a dog, whose purpose in life was to provide comfort to terminally ill children be terminally ill himself? Our options were to have the lump removed or risk it spreading to other critical areas. The answer was clear and the tumor removed. His beautiful fur was shaved bald.
     Through it all his spirit and trust remained high. Despite having three layers of muscle removed and dealing with a long rehabilitation he continued to visit Duke while his coat was growing in. He became a source of inspiration and a connection for those kids who had cancer and chemotherapy rob them of their hair.
     Jake became and remains the most popular Pet Therapist in the Program. He has some special friends that rely on him weekly to boost their spirits. Kristin (name changed for privacy) an 8 year old who during her last day of a 5 day chemo treatment had her pain comforted and literally fell asleep with Jake in her arms. He relaxed and calmed her so much that she fell asleep. But I do have to admit that Jake fell asleep for a little while too. To this day she is still our special friend to whom we bring a message of hope and determination.  

Jake at Duke's Children's Critical Care Unit
Jake & kids from At Risk program  
at Helena Elementary

   He provides comfort to parents and nurses who care for critically ill children as well. We met a mother on our rounds whose son was critically ill. She gave Jake such a hug that somehow he knew she was letting go of her pain and grief. He offered her a "Golden Paw Shake" which she accepted. To me he was saying,"I UNDERSTAND!" It was amazing to see Jake just sit there licking her tears away. At last she did finally smile. She laughed softly kissed him on the head and went on her way. He is a therapist that no human could EVER match! 
     Along with our volunteer work at Duke we participate in various annual community charity events as well as obedience and agility demonstrations when asked. I have given talks to various therapists; speech, occupational and physical about how animal assisted activities can be integrated into daily sessions with patients. 


Jake teaching Mrs. Wilson's students
Jake & Mrs. Wilson's students 

     Jake has inspired me to pursue a master's degree in school guidance counseling. With this avenue of Animal Assisted Therapy I can integrate a dog's healing touch and reach the difficult children society has forgotten. This is my mission and I have Jake to thank for the inspiration.
     He proves his versatility by visiting the school where I teach and annually presenting a Prevent-A-Bite program to grades K-5. This program teaches children how NOT to be bitten by a dog.

Jake and Cobi "The Golden Loves"
Jake & Cobi "Golden Loves"

     We also demonstrate how nice a well trained Canine Good Citizen is to own. He is a very special dog and indeed worthy of all the love and kisses that are bestowed on him. His love for people of all ages and desire to please make him a true representative of the Golden Retriever breed.
     Jake's will to survive and a strength when you're down attitude make him a dog like no other I have ever owned. He is my couch potato, wet nose, slurpy kiss, and will always be my canine soul mate.      


Entry written by Danielle Wilson, Reading Recovery Teacher, Hurdle Mills, North Carolina
Therapy Dogs International, Delta Society, Association of Pet Dog Trainers and Durham Kennel Club affiliations
Visit Jake's Therapy Dog page!
* Ollie's Therapy Dog Award Recipient

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